Service Area for Panhandle Cleaning & Restoration
Panhandle Cleaning and Restoration is the leading provider of disaster recovery services for homeowners and business owners throughout six states. Founded in 1977 with a commitment to fairness, honesty, and quality work, our company quickly established a reputation for professionalism, elite customer service, and outstanding results.
As a full-service contractor and a locally-owned company, we serve both residential and commercial customers throughout West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky, and Florida. When you need help with fire damage restoration, water damage restoration, or mold remediation, we are the company to contact.
We will take you through every step of the recovery process, from the initial assessment to any necessary reconstruction. We also work with all major insurance providers and offer claims assistance to keep your out-of-pocket expenses to a minimum.
All of our employees are licensed and certified in their areas of expertise, and they have all been given extensive training. We offer 24/7/365 emergency services and free inspections. Our crews are members of DKI and CORE Elite. When you need restoration or remediation services, you need to contact Panhandle Cleaning & Restoration.
- Accident
- Acme
- Acosta
- Adah
- Adams
- Adamsburg
- Adamsville
- Addison
- Adena
- Adrian
- Adrian
- Advent
- Albright
- Aleppo
- Aliquippa
- Alkol
- Alledonia
- Allenport
- Allison
- Allison Park
- Alloy
- Alma
- Alum Bridge
- Alum Creek
- Alverda
- Alverton
- Ambridge
- Amity
- Amma
- Amsterdam
- Anmoore
- Anna Maria
- Ansted
- Apollo
- Apple Grove
- Arcadia
- Ardara
- Argillite
- Armagh
- Armbrust
- Arnett
- Arnoldsburg
- Arona
- Arthurdale
- Artie
- Asbury
- Ashford
- Ashland
- Ashton
- Atlasburg
- Auburn
- Augusta
- Aultman
- Aurora
- Ava
- Avella
- Avonmore
- Baden
- Bairdford
- Bakerstown
- Bakersville
- Baltic
- Bancroft
- Bannock
- Barboursville
- Barlow
- Barnesville
- Barrackville
- Bartlett
- Barton
- Barton
- Baxter
- Bayard
- Beallsville
- Beallsville
- Beaver
- Beaver
- Beaver Falls
- Beckley
- Beech Bottom
- Belington
- Bellaire
- Belle
- Belle Valley
- Belle Vernon
- Belleville
- Belmont
- Belmont
- Belpre
- Belva
- Bens Run
- Bentleyville
- Benwood
- Berea
- Bergholz
- Bergoo
- Berlin
- Bessemer
- Bethany
- Bethel Park
- Bethesda
- Beverly
- Beverly
- Beyer
- Bickmore
- Bidwell
- Big Bend
- Big Run
- Big Springs
- Bim
- Birch River
- Bittinger
- Black Lick
- Blacksville
- Blaine
- Blaine
- Blairsville
- Blissfield
- Bloomingdale
- Bloomingrose
- Bloomington
- Blount
- Blue Creek
- Blue Rock
- Bob White
- Bobtown
- Bolivar
- Bolivar
- Bolt
- Bomont
- Boomer
- Boswell
- Bovard
- Bowden
- Bowerston
- Boyers
- Boynton
- Brackenridge
- Braddock
- Bradenton
- Bradenton Beach
- Bradenville
- Bradfordwoods
- Bradley
- Branchland
- Branchton
- Brave
- Bretz
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeville
- Brier Hill
- Brilliant
- Brohard
- Brownfield
- Brownsville
- Bruceton Mills
- Bruin
- Brush Valley
- Buckhannon
- Buena Vista
- Buffalo
- Buffalo
- Bulger
- Bunola
- Burgettstown
- Burlington
- Burnsville
- Burton
- Butler
- Byesville
- Cabin Creek
- Cabins
- Cabot
- Cadiz
- Cadogan
- Cairnbrook
- Cairo
- Caldwell
- Caldwell
- California
- Callery
- Calumet
- Calvin
- Cambridge
- Camden
- Camden On Gauley
- Cameron
- Cameron
- Cannelton
- Canonsburg
- Canvas
- Cardale
- Carmichaels
- Carnegie
- Carolina
- Carrollton
- Carter
- Cassville
- Catlettsburg
- Cecil
- Cedar Grove
- Cedarville
- Center Point
- Central City
- Chalk Hill
- Chambersville
- Champion
- Chandlersville
- Chapmanville
- Charleroi
- Charleston
- Charlton Heights
- Charmco
- Cherry Tree
- Chesapeake
- Cheshire
- Chester
- Chester
- Chesterhill
- Chestnut Ridge
- Cheswick
- Chicora
- Chloe
- Clairton
- Claridge
- Clarington
- Clarksburg
- Clarksburg
- Clarksville
- Clay
- Claysville
- Clear Creek
- Clendenin
- Cleveland
- Clinton
- Clune
- Clymer
- Coal Center
- Coal City
- Coal Run
- Coalton
- Coalton
- Cokeburg
- Colcord
- Colerain
- Colfax
- Colliers
- Columbiana
- Comfort
- Commodore
- Conesville
- Confluence
- Connellsville
- Connoquenessing
- Conway
- Cool Ridge
- Copen
- Coral
- Coraopolis
- Core
- Corriganville
- Cortez
- Coshocton
- Costa
- Cottageville
- Coulters
- Cowansville
- Cowen
- Coxs Mills
- Crab Orchard
- Crabtree
- Craigsville
- Cranberry Township
- Crawford
- Crawley
- Creekside
- Creighton
- Crescent
- Creston
- Crown City
- Crucible
- Cuddy
- Culloden
- Cumberland
- Cumberland
- Curtisville
- Cutler
- Dailey
- Daisytown
- Dallas
- Danese
- Daniels
- Danville
- Darlington
- Darragh
- Davidsville
- Davis
- Davisville
- Dawes
- Dawson
- Dayton
- Deep Water
- Deersville
- Dellroy
- Dellslow
- Delmont
- Denbo
- Dennison
- Denton
- Derry
- Derwent
- Dexter City
- Diana
- Dickerson Run
- Dille
- Dilliner
- Dillonvale
- Dilltown
- Distant
- Dixie
- Dixonville
- Donegal
- Donora
- Dorothy
- Dothan
- Dover
- Dravosburg
- Drennen
- Dresden
- Dry Creek
- Drybranch
- Dryfork
- Duck
- Dunbar
- Dunbar
- Duncan Falls
- Dundee
- Dunlevy
- Duquesne
- East Bank
- East Butler
- East Fultonham
- East Liverpool
- East Mc Keesport
- East Millsboro
- East Palestine
- East Pittsburgh
- East Rochester
- East Springfield
- East Vandergrift
- Eau Claire
- Eccles
- Eckhart Mines
- Edinburg
- Edmond
- Eglon
- Eighty Four
- El Jobean
- Elco
- Elderton
- Eleanor
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth
- Elk Garden
- Elkins
- Elkton
- Elkview
- Ellamore
- Ellenboro
- Ellenton
- Ellerslie
- Ellsworth
- Ellwood City
- Elrama
- Empire
- Englewood
- Enon Valley
- Enterprise
- Erbacon
- Ernest
- Eskdale
- Evans
- Evans City
- Everson
- Exchange
- Export
- Fairbank
- Fairchance
- Fairdale
- Fairhope
- Fairlea
- Fairmont
- Fairpoint
- Fairview
- Fairview
- Falling Rock
- Farmington
- Farmington
- Fayette City
- Fayetteville
- Fenelton
- Fenwick
- Finleyville
- Flatwoods
- Flatwoods
- Fleming
- Flemington
- Flintstone
- Flushing
- Follansbee
- Folsom
- Fombell
- Forbes Road
- Ford City
- Ford Cliff
- Forestville
- Fort Ashby
- Fort Hill
- Foster
- Four States
- Frametown
- Frankford
- Franklin Furnace
- Frazeysburg
- Fraziers Bottom
- Fredericktown
- Freedom
- Freeport
- Freeport
- French Creek
- Frenchton
- Fresno
- Friedens
- Friendly
- Friendship
- Friendsville
- Frostburg
- Fultonham
- Gallagher
- Gallipolis
- Gallipolis Ferry
- Galloway
- Gandeeville
- Gans
- Garards Fort
- Garrett
- Gassaway
- Gastonville
- Gauley Bridge
- Gay
- Georgetown
- Ghent
- Gibbon Glade
- Gibsonia
- Gilboa
- Gipsy
- Given
- Glady
- Glasgow
- Glassport
- Glen
- Glen Campbell
- Glen Dale
- Glen Daniel
- Glen Easton
- Glen Ferris
- Glen Jean
- Glen White
- Glencoe
- Glenshaw
- Glenville
- Glenwood
- Gnadenhutten
- Gordon
- Gormania
- Grafton
- Grahn
- Grant Town
- Grantsville
- Grantsville
- Granville
- Grapeville
- Grassy Meadows
- Gray
- Grayson
- Graysville
- Graysville
- Greenock
- Greensboro
- Greensburg
- Greenup
- Griffithsville
- Grindstone
- Gypsy
- Hacker Valley
- Hambleton
- Hamlin
- Hammondsville
- Handley
- Hannastown
- Hannibal
- Hanoverton
- Hansford
- Harman
- Harmony
- Harper
- Harrison City
- Harrisville
- Harrisville
- Harrisville
- Hartford
- Harts
- Harwick
- Haverhill
- Haywood
- Heaters
- Heilwood
- Helen
- Helvetia
- Henderson
- Hendersonville
- Hendricks
- Hepzibah
- Herman
- Herminie
- Hernshaw
- Hewett
- Hibbs
- Hickory
- Hico
- Hidden Valley
- Hiller
- Hilliards
- Hillsdale
- Hillsville
- Hilltop
- Hitchins
- Holbrook
- Holloway
- Hollsopple
- Holmes Beach
- Home
- Homer City
- Homestead
- Hometown
- Homeworth
- Hookstown
- Hooversville
- Hopedale
- Hopewell
- Hopwood
- Horner
- Hostetter
- Houston
- Hugheston
- Hundred
- Hunker
- Huntington
- Hurricane
- Hutchinson
- Huttonsville
- Hyde Park
- Idamay
- Imperial
- Independence
- Indian Head
- Indiana
- Indianola
- Indore
- Industry
- Ingomar
- Institute
- Ireland
- Irondale
- Ironton
- Irwin
- Isabella
- Ivydale
- Jackson
- Jacksonburg
- Jacobs Creek
- Jacobsburg
- Jane Lew
- Jeannette
- Jefferson
- Jeffrey
- Jenners
- Jennerstown
- Jerome
- Jerusalem
- Jewett
- Joffre
- Jones Mills
- Josephine
- Josephine
- Julian
- Junior
- Kanawha Falls
- Kanawha Head
- Kantner
- Karns City
- Keene
- Keisterville
- Kenna
- Kensington
- Kent
- Kerens
- Kerr
- Keslers Cross Lanes
- Keyser
- Kimberly
- Kimbolton
- Kincaid
- Kingmont
- Kingwood
- Kipling
- Kittanning
- Kitts Hill
- Kitzmiller
- Koppel
- La Belle
- Lafferty
- Lahmansville
- Laings
- Lake Lynn
- Lakewood Ranch
- Lanark
- Langeloth
- Langsville
- Lansing
- Lansing
- Larimer
- Latrobe
- Laughlintown
- Laurel
- Lawrence
- Layland
- Le Roy
- Leckrone
- Leechburg
- Leesville
- Leetonia
- Leetsdale
- Left Hand
- Leisenring
- Leivasy
- Lemont Furnace
- Leon
- Lesage
- Leslie
- Lester
- Letart
- Lewisburg
- Lewisville
- Liberty
- Ligonier
- Linn
- Lisbon
- Listie
- Little Birch
- Little Hocking
- Little Orleans
- Littleton
- Lizemores
- Lochgelly
- Lonaconing
- London
- Long Bottom
- Longboat Key
- Lookout
- Looneyville
- Lore City
- Lorentz
- Lost Creek
- Louisa
- Lowber
- Lowell
- Lower Salem
- Lowmansville
- Loyalhanna
- Lucasville
- Lucernemines
- Luke
- Lumberport
- Luxor
- Lyndora
- Mabie
- Mabscott
- Mac Arthur
- Macfarlan
- Macksburg
- Madison
- Madison
- Maidsville
- Malaga
- Malta
- Malvern
- Mammoth
- Mammoth
- Mannington
- Manor
- Manorville
- Marchand
- Marianna
- Marietta
- Marion Center
- Markleton
- Markleysburg
- Mars
- Martha
- Martin
- Martins Ferry
- Mason
- Masontown
- Masontown
- Mather
- Maxwelton
- Maynard
- Maysel
- Maysville
- Mazie
- McClellandtown
- Mcconnelsville
- McDermott
- McDonald
- McGrann
- McHenry
- McIntyre
- McKees Rocks
- Mckeesport
- Mcmechen
- McMurray
- Meadow Bridge
- Meadow Lands
- Meadowbrook
- Mechanicstown
- Melcroft
- Mentcle
- Merrittstown
- Metz
- Meyersdale
- Miami
- Middlebourne
- Middleport
- Midkiff
- Midland
- Midland
- Midlothian
- Midvale
- Midway
- Midway
- Mill Creek
- Mill Run
- Millsboro
- Millstone
- Millwood
- Milton
- Minden
- Mineral City
- Mineral Wells
- Minford
- Mingo Junction
- Moatsville
- Monaca
- Monessen
- Monongah
- Monongahela
- Monroeville
- Montana Mines
- Monterville
- Montgomery
- Montrose
- Morgan
- Morgantown
- Morristown
- Moundsville
- Mount Alto
- Mount Braddock
- Mount Carbon
- Mount Clare
- Mount Hope
- Mount Lebanon
- Mount Lookout
- Mount Morris
- Mount Nebo
- Mount Olive
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Savage
- Mount Storm
- Mount Zion
- Munday
- Murdock
- Murrysville
- Muse
- Myakka City
- Myra
- Nallen
- Naoma
- Napier
- Nashport
- Natrona Heights
- Nebo
- Neffs
- Negley
- Nellis
- Nemacolin
- Nettie
- New Alexandria
- New Athens
- New Baltimore
- New Bedford
- New Brighton
- New Castle
- New Concord
- New Creek
- New Cumberland
- New Derry
- New Eagle
- New Florence
- New Freeport
- New Galilee
- New Geneva
- New Haven
- New Kensington
- New Manchester
- New Martinsville
- New Matamoras
- New Milton
- New Philadelphia
- New Rumley
- New Salem
- New Stanton
- New Waterford
- New Wilmington
- Newburg
- Newcomerstown
- Newell
- Newell
- Newport
- Newton
- Nineveh
- Nitro
- Nokomis
- Normalville
- Normantown
- North Apollo
- North Georgetown
- North Port
- North Versailles
- North Washington
- Northpoint
- Norton
- Norvelt
- Norwich
- Nu Mine
- Nutter Fort
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hill
- Oak Ridge
- Oakdale
- Oakland
- Oakmont
- Odd
- Ohiopyle
- Old Washington
- Oldtown
- Olive Hill
- Oliver
- Ona
- Oneco
- Orgas
- Orlando
- Orma
- Osage
- Osprey
- Ottawa
- Otway
- Paden City
- Page
- Palestine
- Palmetto
- Parker
- Parkersburg
- Parrish
- Parsons
- Patriot
- Pax
- Pedro
- Penn
- Penn Run
- Pennsboro
- Pentress
- Perryopolis
- Petersburg
- Petroleum
- Petrolia
- Peytona
- Philippi
- Philo
- Pickens
- Piedmont
- Piedmont
- Pinch
- Pine Grove
- Piney Fork
- Piney View
- Pinto
- Pitcairn
- Pittsburgh
- Placida
- Plainfield
- Pleasant City
- Pleasant Unity
- Pleasant Valley
- Plumville
- Poca
- Point Marion
- Point Pleasant
- Pomeroy
- Pond Gap
- Pool
- Port Charlotte
- Port Washington
- Porters Falls
- Portersville
- Portland
- Portsmouth
- Powellton
- Powhatan Point
- Pratt
- Presto
- Pricedale
- Prince
- Princewick
- Procious
- Proctor
- Proctorville
- Prospect
- Prosperity
- Prosperity
- Pulaski
- Pullman
- Punta Gorda
- Pursglove
- Quaker City
- Quecreek
- Quinwood
- Rachel
- Racine
- Racine
- Rainelle
- Raleigh
- Ranger
- Rarden
- Ravenswood
- Rawlings
- Rayland
- Reader
- Rector
- Red Creek
- Red House
- Reedsville
- Reedsville
- Reedy
- Renfrew
- Renick
- Reno
- Republic
- Reynoldsville
- Rhodell
- Rices Landing
- Richeyville
- Richmond
- Richwood
- Ridgeley
- Ridgeview
- Rillton
- Rio Grande
- Ripley
- Riverview
- Rivesville
- Robinson
- Robson
- Rochester
- Rochester Mills
- Rock Camp
- Rock Cave
- Rock Creek
- Rockport
- Rockwood
- Rogers
- Rogersville
- Ronceverte
- Ronco
- Roscoe
- Rosedale
- Rosemont
- Roseville
- Rossiter
- Rotonda West
- Rowlesburg
- Ruffs Dale
- Rupert
- Rural Ridge
- Rural Valley
- Rush
- Russell
- Russellton
- Rutland
- Sagamore
- Saint Albans
- Saint Clairsville
- Saint Marys
- Salem
- Salem
- Salesville
- Salina
- Salineville
- Salisbury
- Salt Rock
- Saltsburg
- Sand Fork
- Sandyville
- Sandyville
- Sarahsville
- Sarasota
- Sardis
- Sarver
- Saxon
- Saxonburg
- Scarbro
- Scenery Hill
- Schenley
- Scio
- Scioto Furnace
- Scott Depot
- Scottdale
- Scottown
- Seanor
- Selbyville
- Seminole
- Senecaville
- Seth
- Seward
- Sewickley
- Shady Spring
- Shadyside
- Shanksville
- Shelocta
- Sherrodsville
- Shinnston
- Shippingport
- Shirley
- Shock
- Short Creek
- Siesta Key
- Simpson
- Sipesville
- Sistersville
- Skelton
- Slab Fork
- Slickville
- Slippery Rock
- Slovan
- Smicksburg
- Smithburg
- Smithers
- Smithfield
- Smithfield
- Smithfield
- Smithton
- Smithville
- Smock
- Smoot
- Sod
- Soldier
- Somerdale
- Somerset
- Sophia
- South Charleston
- South Heights
- South Park
- South Point
- South Portsmouth
- South Shore
- South Webster
- Southside
- Southview
- Southwest
- Spelter
- Spencer
- Spraggs
- Spring Church
- Spring Dale
- Spring Gap
- Springdale
- Springs
- Spurlockville
- Stafford
- Stahlstown
- Stanaford
- Star Junction
- Starford
- Steubenville
- Stillwater
- Stockdale
- Stockport
- Stone Creek
- Stonewood
- Stoystown
- Strabane
- Strasburg
- Stratton
- Strongstown
- Sturgeon
- Sugarcreek
- Sumerco
- Summerfield
- Summersville
- Summitville
- Surveyor
- Sutersville
- Sutton
- Swanton
- Swiss
- Sycamore
- Sylvester
- Syracuse
- Tad
- Tallevast
- Tallmansville
- Tarentum
- Tarrs
- Taylorstown
- Teays
- Templeton
- Terra Alta
- Terra Ceia
- Thomas
- Thornton
- Thurman
- Thurmond
- Tiltonsville
- Tioga
- Tippecanoe
- Tire Hill
- Tornado
- Toronto
- Torrance
- Trafford
- Triadelphia
- Trinway
- Troy
- Tunnelton
- Tuppers Plains
- Turtle Creek
- Turtle Creek
- Tuscarawas
- Twilight
- Uhrichsville
- Uledi
- Ulysses
- Uneeda
- Uniontown
- United
- Upperglade
- Ursina
- Valencia
- Valley Bend
- Valley Grove
- Valley Head
- Van
- Van Voorhis
- Vanderbilt
- Vandergrift
- Venetia
- Venice
- Verona
- Vestaburg
- Victor
- Vienna
- Villa Maria
- Vincent
- Vinton
- Volant
- Volga
- Walhonding
- Walker
- Walkersville
- Wallace
- Wallback
- Waltersburg
- Walton
- Wampum
- Wana
- Warnock
- Warrendale
- Warsaw
- Washington
- Washington
- Washingtonville
- Waterford
- Waterloo
- Watertown
- Waverly
- Waynesburg
- Webbville
- Webster
- Webster Springs
- Weirton
- Wellersburg
- Wellsburg
- Wellston
- Wellsville
- Wendel
- West Alexander
- West Columbia
- West Elizabeth
- West Finley
- West Hamlin
- West Lafayette
- West Lebanon
- West Leisenring
- West Liberty
- West Middletown
- West Mifflin
- West Milford
- West Newton
- West Pittsburgh
- West Point
- West Portsmouth
- West Salisbury
- West Sunbury
- West Union
- Westernport
- Westland
- Westmoreland City
- Weston
- Westover
- Wexford
- Wharton
- Wheelersburg
- Wheeling
- Whipple
- White
- White Cottage
- White Hall
- White Oak
- White Sulphur Springs
- Whitesville
- Whitmer
- Whitney
- Wickhaven
- Widen
- Widnoon
- Wildwood
- Wiley Ford
- Willard
- Williamsburg
- Williamstown
- Willow Wood
- Wilmerding
- Wind Ridge
- Windber
- Windsor Heights
- Winfield
- Wingett Run
- Winifrede
- Winona
- Winona
- Wintersville
- Wolf Run
- Woodsfield
- Woodville
- Worthington
- Worthington
- Worthington
- Wyano
- Wyatt
- Yatesboro
- Yawkey
- Yorkville
- Youngstown
- Youngstown
- Youngwood
- Yukon
- Zanesville
- Zelienople
- Zoar