Job completed for Richard B

Completion date: December 29, 2017

Location: Allenport, PA

Why did the customer contact us?

Microburst storm last night caused water to pour into kitchen from 1 story roof. Cannot see damage but kitchen ceiling is bowing and split - attic space affected, vinyl tile floor and drywall walls. Water mitigation and roof tarping.

Solutions provided:

Following a microburst storm, our team responded to a call regarding significant water intrusion in the kitchen of a one-story home. The storm caused water to flow into the kitchen, leading to a bowed and split ceiling, with potential damage to the attic space, vinyl tile floor, and drywall walls.

Upon arrival, we conducted a thorough assessment of the affected areas. To prevent further damage, we implemented immediate water mitigation measures, including water extraction and drying procedures. Additionally, we placed a tarp over the roof to secure the area and minimize additional water intrusion. Our swift and effective response ensured the safety and integrity of the home while preparing it for necessary repairs.