Job completed for Lisa D

Completion date: December 10, 2014

Location: Acme, PA

Why did the customer contact us?

Lisa called stating that her brother went to the home yesterday and that the water was running. The last time someone was in the home was 9/10/14. The loss occurred in the ulitity room. There is MOLD on the walls and the adjoining rooms the wood floors have buckled and the carpet is wet.

Solutions provided:

Our team was called after a prolonged water leak was discovered in the home, with water running since the last visit on 9/10/14. The loss originated in the utility room, and mold had spread to the walls of adjoining rooms. The wood floors were buckled, and the carpet was wet. We began by addressing the water damage, extracting water, and drying the affected areas. Mold remediation efforts were carried out, treating the walls and other impacted surfaces.