Job completed for Shelly G

Completion date: June 26, 2024

Location: Weirton, WV

Why did the customer contact us?

Husband was cleaning gas fireplace out with shop-vac and hit the blow button and blew soot everywhere. This happen awhile ago and had their content cleaned, but now they are seeing black on their walls and ceiling. Needs estimate to clean walls, ceiling and balcony .

Solutions provided:

After soot was accidentally blown throughout the home during a gas fireplace cleaning, the homeowner noticed black soot on the walls, ceiling, and balcony. Our team not only provided a thorough cleaning of these surfaces but also completed a full content pack-out and cleaning to ensure all affected items were restored. We utilized specialized techniques to remove the soot from both the structure and personal belongings, ensuring the entire home was returned to its original, clean condition.