Job completed for Francis S

Completion date: June 27, 2024

Location: Wheeling, WV

Why did the customer contact us?

States that her main bedroom bathroom toilet overflowed affecting the > flooring in the bathroom and carpet/padding into her bedroom She also > states that water permeated her kitchen ceiling and cabinets.

Solutions provided:

Our team responded to an emergency caused by an overflowing toilet in the main bedroom bathroom. The water spread, damaging the bathroom flooring, soaking the carpet and padding in the bedroom, and permeating the kitchen ceiling and cabinets below. After quickly extracting the water, we removed the saturated carpet and padding and dried all affected areas. Following the mitigation, we performed reconstruction services, including replacing damaged flooring, repairing the kitchen ceiling, and restoring the cabinets. The home was fully restored, ensuring both the structure and aesthetics were returned to their original condition.