Job completed for Crystal B

Completion date: June 10, 2024

Location: Wheeling, WV

Why did the customer contact us?

Has a basement that is turned into a two car garage. It is all concrete block. She states there is mold all over the concrete walls. She stated there was a water issue previously and bought a pump. Then later discovered the mold growing on the walls. She wants to try to stop it before it enters her home upstairs.

Solutions provided:

Our team was called to address mold growth on the concrete block walls of a basement that had been converted into a two-car garage. The homeowner had previously experienced water issues and installed a pump to manage it, but later discovered mold growing on the walls. Concerned about preventing the mold from spreading into the living areas upstairs, we conducted a thorough inspection and proposed a comprehensive mold remediation plan. This includes removing the mold from the concrete surfaces, treating the area with antimicrobial solutions, and addressing moisture control measures to prevent future growth, ensuring the home remains safe and mold-free.