Job completed for Kayla A

Completion date: September 10, 2024

Location: Weirton, WV

Why did the customer contact us?

Customer returned from a 12 day vacation to find shingles missing from the roof (husband tarped roof), a plaster ceiling collapsed in spare bedroom (could see outside between boards of roof), kitchen ceiling plaster cracking and dining room plaster ceiling cracking and peeling

Solutions provided:

After returning from a 12-day vacation, the customer discovered missing shingles from the roof, leading to significant interior damage. The husband had tarped the roof as a temporary measure. Our team assessed the damage, which included a collapsed plaster ceiling in the spare bedroom with visible gaps in the roof, and cracking and peeling plaster on the kitchen and dining room ceilings. We provided a comprehensive restoration plan, addressing roof repairs, replacement of damaged plaster ceilings, and ensuring the home was fully restored to a safe and livable condition.